Every year at Christmas I try and get a decent photo of all the children smiling and looking charming to mail out in our Christmas letter. It is a challenge. It is a lot easier now with digital than when I shot real film. I would then take in several rolls to the drug store and pray that one would be decent. Sometimes I had to make several trips. This is our traditional family pose on the living room floor.
We always try a pyramid shot, but this year my hubby wasn't home to help stabilize Elizabeth on top. She was more than a little nervous and after about 3 quick shots she 'had to go to the bathroom'.
Michelle is seated on a stool for this picture. It is the only way to get that stair step look anymore.
Thomas was very cooperative. He didn't want me to take any bad pictures that might have a negative impact on his future political aspirations. He didn't want to ruin his image.
Not sure which one I will use. There are several more good ones that I like. What do you think?
Mary's expression in the second picture is priceless!