Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Tree Expedition, Dallas Assists

Red's Tree Farm is a little over a half hour away. It is our family tradition to go cut our own tree. It is truly an expedition. My DH leads the troops. It was a cold 30 degree day and snow was lightly falling. It was actually quite beautiful. This close to Christmas the crowd was down considerably. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.

We brought Dallas along to help pull the tree out. He needs to earn his keep.

A lot of the good trees that had been up close were already gone. We weren't interested in anything up close anyways.

Red's Tree Farm is HUGE. There are acres and acres of trees. The one we were after was at the very back of the lot. Michelle had seen the perfect tree in the farthest corner last year and had been very upset when we hadn't gotten it. We HAD to go back this year and get that tree. Alas, it was gone already, but we found some other ones that were nice.
Elizabeth helped by carrying the saw or running ahead.

Did I say this tree was in the WAY, WAY back?

We did the traditional pose the family in front of the appointed tree.

The sawing began and we noted the snow on the branches. We tried to decide if the snow would melt in the house or was the living room cold enough to keep it frozen.

All the boys took their turn at this manly man task.

Mr. Boots had the honor of the final cut. Dad helped pull it over. "Timberrrr!"

Some of the children were happy and the rest pretended.

We put Dallas in his harness and let him pull. He wasn't sure about it at first.

The snow kept falling. We now have about and inch and a half. Looking much better for a white Christmas.

Dallas finally got the hang of it and we began the half mile hike out with the tree.

This year we were smart and brought the trailer. It simplified the bringing home of the tree. No trauma this year of trying to fit a big tree in a van with eight people.
It was a successful expedition.

1 comment:

  1. What fun. Thanks for the Christmas letter and for reminding me about your blog. I wish we had the option of choosing our own tree like that. Ours was cut so early in the season, it is already nearly completely dead. Hope y'all enjoy a great Christmas together. We appreciate you!!!
