Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas morning arrives and the day begins. It starts with all the preparations for Brunch.

The tables must be set.

Last minute vacuuming finished.

The kitchen swept and the food that we made the day before heated up.

The guests arrive and everyone finds a seat.
We have a family tradition that includes breakfast stockings. It started when we were young. Dad always liked a big breakfast on Christmas morning and we children were not allowed to open the gifts until after breakfast. I am afraid we didn't always wait very patiently. Mom started the tradition of breakfast stockings to keep the children content and Dad happy. The stockings used to contain juice cans, granola bars and other breakfast treats, and maybe one or two small things to open. Now they contain candy or gum, maybe an ornament, and a few small things to open. However it has gone back to not being allowed to open them until after breakfast. I think that Mom has wondered why she ever started this. What was easy for four, is a lot more challenging for twenty-five. Be careful what you do on the holidays, it may be so popular that it will become a tradition and you will have to do it for the next 40 years!

We set up both tables in the dining room for breakfast.

Kissing Cousins!
After breakfast the children play while the adults straighten up and get ready to open gifts.

My sister Miriam and her husband Todd made a BIG announcement. No they are not expecting. They are anticipating moving to the Philippines for two years for Todd to teach at a mission school. That will entail some big changes in their life and leave a big hole in ours.

Reagan loved playing mommy to her doll.

Elizabeth enjoyed her baby and wearing that new apron.

Grandpa found a good book and spent the day reading.

My brother and his family graciously spent the first part of their day with us. It was good to see them.

Mr. Boots REALLY enjoys having a lot of food around these days. It doesn't seem to last long when he starts eating.

Thomas loved his newest Bionicle that he got from his cousin.

In the evening we got the games out. Everyone sat around and played Catch Phrase. It was nice having a game that a big group could play. T-Bob and Katrina were pretty passionate about playing. How could we NOT figure out what they were trying to get us to say?!!!
The print on the wheel does seem to be pretty small for some people to read. Sometimes the glasses got passed along with the wheel.
It was a wonderful day!

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