Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lily Update

We had a great time at Greenwood Hills last week. On Friday, our friends the Taters came up to camp to visit us. It was so wonderful to see them. T-Bob and Joe had a great time palling around all day. Lily was there and she was walking! In the pool she could manage well without any external devices. She was able to go to camp this summer.
She is getting around great with just a boot on. She doesn't use any crutches unless she has to go a long distance. She is a miracle. It was only about 10 months ago that we were praying that she would live, and then that she would be able to keep her leg and use it in a normal way and God has answered our prayers. Praise God. She doesn't seem to have any other residual problems from her internal injuries or fractured spine.
The only question, that is still of some concern, is whether her growth plate will allow the leg to keep growing.
Thank-you Lord for answered prayers!!

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