Saturday, October 17, 2009

Afternoon in the Schoolhouse

Afternoons are a quiet time at the school house. It generally follows lunch and a rousing recess. The children will often spend an hour outside playing volleyball or some other game or taking Dallas for a run. They ride their bikes and Dallas runs for 4-5 miles. The weather is cooling off fast here. We even had snow flakes this past week. It seems a little early for that. So much for global warming. Elizabeth and Chance find a place to work where they can get the help they need.
Whoever has dishes needs to make sure that those get done after lunch.

All the children enjoy the swing in the schoolroom. Brooke has it on this occasion.

Mr. Boots has lots of reading and school to do. Why is it so much more fun to be outside or working on machinery? He is not excited about academic matters, but he knows he needs to persevere.

After recess finds Ulysses sweetly taking a nap. He finds our school day and hanging with the older children to be tiring, and he always goes down for his nap without complaint.

Most days finds Elizabeth and Chance working at the dining room table. Often T-Bob joins them. Things have been going well with our enlarged schooling family.

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