Monday, October 5, 2009

JoAn's CEF Graduation

This summer JoAn took the CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) teacher training course and did very well. Last year she had worked with a CEF 'after school' club once a week. She really enjoyed the course, which required a lot of hard work. She had to practice teaching the wordless book, Bible lessons, Bible memory verses and songs. It has been very helpful as she has taught at VBS and Awana at church. She will start with the 'after school' club this week. She does it with a couple other people from church.
They had a nice program for the graduates. They taught us several of the children's songs. T-Bob got to hold one of them up.

This is a picture of the graduating class. The two ladies in front are the instructors. The gray haired lady in the back is an alumnus.
There are so many opportunities right now to get these clubs going. The schools have to let them in just like any other club. There are a number of schools in our area that are really wanting clubs, but there aren't the leaders to teach them. Something to pray about.

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