Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter at the Farmhouse

Daffodils are my favorite flower. Unfortunately, Dallas loves them too - as an appetizer!
We had a wonderful day together. Easter is such a blessed holiday to come together to celebrate God's goodness to us. Because of His Resurrection we can have our salvation. Praise God that Christ did not stay dead, but arose. We serve a living God!

It was such a beautifully warm day that we didn't need sweaters. The sun was shining.

The birds were singing and the squirrels were chattering.

The children were semi-cooperative as I took their photos. Mr. Boots even put his tie back on after he had removed it to relax.

The little nieces had their Easter bonnets and pretty dresses on. They were not too excited about posing. Reagan is saying just about everything now. She just turned 2. Sadie is 9 months.

Michelle enjoyed having baby duty.

We served buffet style. We were blessed to have Our friends the Morrises join us for dinner. All told there were 25 people present. Mom made two lamb roasts and some corned beef. I think everything was gluten and dairy free except for the desserts. It was delicious and I never would have noticed unless I had specifically thought about it for some special guest's needs. I forgot to put out the devilled eggs for dinner. I guess we'll be eating a lot of egg salad this week. I did serve them with the dessert. A few disappeared then. I guess my brain is taking a spring break even if I am not.

We had to set up three tables for all the guests. We set up two in the dining room and one in the living room. We use the window seats for bench seating at the tables. It works well. There are some benefits to an old farmhouse.

After dinner the children went out to the back field and played more SPUD. I guess that is the game of choice right now. The computer games were used. Mostly Star Wars stuff. People left early to go home and get their naps. Some board games came out. A few naps were taken here and a few books read. It was a good day!
PS We did miss Todd and Miriam as they are still in the Philippines for another week. Please keep them in your prayers. They are trying to finalize their housing decision.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a very lovely day. we enjoyed a chilly yet sun-shiny day. Had a wonderful ham dinner with mom and dad.
    Blessing to your family from ours!
