Friday, November 6, 2009

Manly Man Work- Widening the Driveway

The fight for premium space in the front yard continues. We really need another parking space that can be used and still allows cars to pull through the driveway circle. We have been using the grass over beside the garage, but it was slowly becoming more mud than grass. The Boss determined that if the grass and dirt was dug out and the space filled with gravel, that it would work much better. The week that The Boss was away at his Aunt's funeral, the boys went to work.
Dallas was highly excited to have the boys working on the other side of his fence. They let him out and gave him the role of Official Supervisor.

T-Bob and Mr. Boots did most of the digging. They got it down about 12 inches and a little deeper along the driveway where they put in a trench.

It was a lot of work and, the fact that it was already very muddy didn't make it easier. I think they enjoyed playing in all that mud. They then refilled it with gravel. We still need to get more gravel. Eventually, the plan is to put bricks over the top once everything is settled and the vehicles have pushed down the gravel.
Good Work Gentlemen!!

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