Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swimming in the Pool

We are blessed to have neighbors with this beautiful pool, that are willing to invite us over to join them for a swim. Yesterday was hot. The children had a grand time swimming. The pool is about four feet deep. Just right to swim in and still not so deep that they can't touch if they need to.
T-Bob loves to see how many log rolls he can do without needing a breath.
They do have a little pool for the smaller children to play in. Elizabeth likes it because she doesn't have to wear a life vest in there.

Thomas straps that face mask on really tight. He still has red lips here. After about an hour, they were gray blue and his teeth were chattering.

Elizabeth just hangs out at the ladder. Even with a life vest on, she doesn't like to let go of her security. I eventually went in and took her out to the middle of the pool and played with her there. She still wasn't about to let go of me. She knows she can't swim and isn't sure how to figure it out without getting water in her ears. That is what she really hates. She doesn't even like baths for that reason.

Michelle is starting to get the hang of swimming. She has taken a while to learn. All the children just don't have much insulation to help them float, so when they assume the normal floating posture, they find themselves about 6" under water. This is somewhat fear inducing as they try and get a breath. Eventually they learn the mechanics and can swim OK. However, Micheal Phelps is in no danger of competition from our children.

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