In between our family gatherings we have found time to do other things. Last friday was spent in amish country. It was a nice day. Not too cold and the roads were clear of snow. We got home after 10, but I enjoyed my day with the 'bookend' girls.
Saturday morning we got up early and we went to the 3 0n 3 basketball tournament at the local school where T-Bob plays basketball. He had organized a team. It was all guys older and more experienced than he was. He did play some defense, but his offensive game has yet to take off. He learned a lot playing against high school and college guys.
Even the Boss got out there and played on T-Bob's team. In fact 3 of the the players were 48 or up. They did great the first game and pretty good the second, but then they went down hill from there as their legs got tired. The shots started falling short of the rim. They had fun anyways as they spelled each other every two minutes or so.
Elizabeth spent her time working on her dribbling skills as she watched the games. She is learning a lot, and someday she will be a good player if she wants to. She definitely will have the height. I'm pretty sure she will end up over six foot, like Michelle is.
T-Bob's Team |
T-Bob's budddy, Chase was also there and he and T-Bob played one on one in between the games. They weren't tired!
The snow has returned and everything looks fresh and clean under it's blanket of white. It is still coming down today and we are supposed to get another 4" tonight. Love it!!!
We have enjoyed visitors over the holidays. Both for big dinner celebrations and just for a chat. The Hendersons stopped in from Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth really enjoyed having a little one around for a bit. She played ball and showed her the chickens and just had a nice time. More company is coming to help us celebrate the New Year this afternoon.
Happy New Year!
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